Friday, September 5, 2008

End of the week

Lunch at Gail’s was lovely it was a small lunch to celebrate her passing her celebrant exams, she had invited her best friend Beth Ann and her 2 young children, Peppa with Finnegan and Lilac, Kerrie and me. Gail is now qualified to marry, christen and bury in non Christian situations and is naturally really pleased with herself. We had far too much to eat which did not help me that evening at Kerrie’s keep fit class, I spent most of the time flat out on the floor laughing while she was telling me I needed to try harder, I was trying and it was killing me, I don’t really do keep fit.

Friday, Diane cancelled as she was ill, but that was OK, I was able to clean the kitchen floor and oven, I also went out and about and did my Safety House monitoring for the month. FACC was moved from 3.30 to 4.30 from Angie’s as she was ill too, to Lesley’s. Tonight is the Blue Light Disco for Sam, Moo is still grounded as she has STILL not learnt that she needs to keep her bedroom tidy and things off the floor. I called round at Lesley’s later once Tom and I had removed the orange stains from his bedroom carpet, don’t ask, apparently even he has no idea what it was. This was in between dropping Sam at Peppa’s for her to take the boys to the disco and I was on pick up duty. I only had once glass of wine at Lesley’s but had intended on going back when I had dropped Sam at home and put Moo to bed but it didn’t quite work out like that. Just as I was leaving the first time for Lesley’s, the phone rang and it was Jack asking Tom to go over and he couldn’t, so he was not best pleased and in a real strop when I got back as Mollie had realised she could wind him up and succeeded.

We have no plans for the rest of the weekend as we do not know what time Jason will be back tomorrow, we have had great weather this last couple of days, in fact my ¾ trousers and long shorts have been out.

While everyone else was enjoying the sun today I was in and cleaning, but in between caught glimpses of these, think it is the same pair who keep coming back, I have called them Jim and Dot, I am not complaining. I also know you have seen pics of the same birds before but the novelty of seeing them everyday has not worn off yet, well not for me anyhow.


just said... ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jill, Matthew and Tom said...

God you look to be having soooo much fun, I am jealous beyond words! any regrets? We TUPE'd back to Abbey 01.07.08 - can you adam and eve it?!? its still as shit x

Jason, Tracy & Family said...

Hi Jill

We are having a ball, it is just amazing. We came for an adventure and we are certainly getting one. No regrets as yet, but it is still early days really in the scheme of things.

My goodness you didn't, we always knew it would go back though didn't we. Some things never change.

Big Hugs and kisses to you